Annual Koi Growth Contest

Information on Andy’s Annual Koi Growth Contest
Andy’s famous Annual Koi Growth Contest is held at Andrew’s Koi every year on the first Saturday in the month of May. There is over 1500-selected one-year-old koi available for purchase at $100.00 each. The koi will vary in size from 5 inches – 12 inches.
Customers select fish, take them home, do their magic and next year bring them back to compete with all the other koi lovers. Koi hobbyist can learn from this event in the following ways, how to choose the koi, what to, how to and when to feed them. When you see other contestants bring back koi over 20 inches, with deep red color and nice white, it is a humbling feeling, knowing that everyone has room for improvement. Andy admits he learns from the koi growth contest every year.
Annual Koi Growth Contest
Everyone is invited to come learn and join the fun. The event is open to beginners, hobbyist and professionals. Come early to select your koi. A free lunch is available. Prizes and awards will be presented to the winners.