Aquatic pond plants for Sale

Looking for Aquatic plants for your koi pond?
At Andrew’s Koi we have a good selection of aquatic pond plants for sale. Come on by to view our selection of cattails, dwarf bamboo, elephant ear, horsetail, lizard’s tail, parrot feather, pickerel rush, star grass, water canna, water celery, water clover, water hyacinth, water iris, water lettuce, water lilies; watercress.
Dwarf BambooA slender stalks of this plant grow 18 to 24-inches high with hollow, jointed, leafy stems. The plant does not have flowers, instead it has small brown tassels along the top third of each stem. This plant can be grown in moist conditions, up to 4-inches of water over the soil level, in full to partial sun. |
Elephant EarUse elephant ears as the focal point for your feature, in the center of a large patio pot or as an accent on the edge of your water garden. Broad green leaves of this tropical plant are what gave it its name. |
HorsetailCold tolerant, survives winter at the pond edge. They will spread in the spring. Hollow green stems with black band give this marginal a horse’s tail appearance. Grows in dry and moist soil but, not under the waterline. |
Lizard’s TailA bottlebrush spike of white flowers, typically six to eight inches long but can be longer. The plant blooms from June through September. Flowers emerge from the tops of the stems and form long and tapering drooping clusters. |
Parrot FeatherA perennial plant. As the water warms in the spring, parrot feather begins to flourish. Most plants flower in the spring; however, some also flower in the fall. |
Pickerel RushThe flower spikes grow from leaf bracts at the top of stems. The plant adapts from very shallow water to depths of up to 18″. Grows 24 to 30 inches in height and consistently attracts butterflies, dragonflies, and damselflies. |
Star GrassA small native perennial plant consists of a rosette of slender basal leaves and shorter flowering stems. They have scattered white hairs. The flowering stems are up to 8″ tall, and have scattered white hairs as well. Each of these stems terminates in a rather loose umbel of two or more yellow flowers. |
Water CannaThe plant flowers on tall stalks in summer. Once the stalk starts to emerge, it grows quickly. Heights vary from 2 to 6 feet and colors range from pinks to yellows to reds. |
Water CeleryThis plant thrive in soil, as well as growing in pea rock, or just tucked into any location that allows its roots to be submersed in water. Water celery tolerates a wide range of light conditions, from shade to full sun. It can grow in water up to 6 inches above the soil level, in a bog area, and you will frequently find that this plant will spread. |
Water CloverA plant with four lobed leaves that are a patterned bi-color and make a wonderful display on the water surface. If the plant is in shallow water, it will hold its leaves above the water up to 3 inches./td> |
Water HyacinthThe leafstalk is spongy and inflated, and the upper lobes of its purple flowers have blue and yellow markings. It reproduces quickly, It is used as an ornamental in outdoor ponds. |
Water IrisAn assortment of perennials for naturalizing a wet area and to give an early to late spring color to a water garden. The narrow blades emerge in spring before the flowers appear. They prefer shallow water on or over their roots. |
Water LettuceFloats on the surface of the water its roots hanging submersed beneath floating leaves. It is a perennial with thick, soft leaves that form a rosette. The leaves can be up to 14 cm long and have no stem. They are light green, with parallel veins, wavy margins and are covered in short hairs which form basket-like structures which trap air bubbles, increasing the plant’s buoyancy./td> |
Water LiliesAny of various cosmopolitan aquatic herbs of the genus Nymphaea, having floating leaves and showy, variously colored flowers, especially N. odorata, with fragrant many-petaled white or pinkish flowers. Also called pond lily. |
WatercressThe hollow stems of watercress are floating and the leaves are pinnately compound. Watercresses produce small white and green flowers in clusters. |